Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Combining Big Data Gamification in Recruiting Hiring

Combining Big Data Gamification in Recruiting Hiring Using Big Data Analytics to Drive Strategic Recruiting Solid decision-making filled with relevant and accurate information is the backbone of any business. Well-informed and timely decisions are expected from all areas of the business including human resources, recruiting and hiring. They are the stuff of not just great but amazing companies. Our reliance on technology to facilitate our business operations, not only can increase production, lower costs and increase productivity, but the data collected in our business can be used to improve business operations particularly in the human capital industry. Using Big Data Analytics to Drive Strategic Recruiting Over the past twelve months, the media has been filled with stories of big data and service providers and analysts have followed suit as business leaders began to equate better business success by evaluating the numbers and analytics within their business. This is idea is the foundation of what big data is all about. As a new and emerging source of information for business decisions the concept of big data has took on a life of its own. The concepts, usefulness and resources related to big data have become a cruel form of buzzword bingo. Everyone is talking about big data but no one is providing foundational ways to apply and analyze the information for the average business leader. It’s sensationalized and scrutinized leaving many practitioners in our industry scratching their heads. The Impact of Hype in HR Technologies Big data combined with another new and emerging trend has great potential especially when combined together is gamification through HR technologies. Gamification makes a mundane task like completing a job application fun, creative, competitive and interesting. This idea of injecting fun into something that is generally seen as boring or task orientated not only can increase engagement but also drive innovation and productivity which is something your company desperately needs. Current productivity numbers are at historic lows with Gallup reporting that 70 percent of the current US workforce has labeled themselves as disengaged or actively disengaged at work. Add into the fact that online applications take an average of 45 minutes for job seekers to complete with only 10 percent of website visitors actually clicking to apply. Many recruiters might tell you that having less candidates to apply is better as recruiters spend their time combing, scanning and evaluating resumes. Im certainly a fan of transparent recruitment strategies to lower applications and increase quality of hire, however, thats a drop off rate of 90 percent. Our formal strategies arent always aligned with words like creativity, fun and innovation. Maybe that should change. Engagement for new hires is especially critical as workers are the most engaged, happy and productive in their jobs the first six months. Seems like fun and innovation should last far beyond the actual hiring and applica tion process especially with our hard to fill positions and knowledge workers we are looking to retain. Should You Add Gamification to Your Recruiting Strategy? Gamficiation might just be just the thing you are looking for. Like all new and emerging trends in our human capital space, its easy to fall into the hype cycle where thought leaders, analysts and the media drive hype, tweets and conversations about a topic without facts, case studies or scientific information. The buzz of hype is especially fueled through social media as I describe in my HR Technology Hype Cycle graphic below. (h/t to @rayschreyer for the inspiration) Through evaluation using big data and analytics we can avoid the plateau of productivity in our own recruiting strategy efforts driving real business change. .ai-rotate {position: relative;} .ai-rotate-hidden {visibility: hidden;} .ai-rotate-hidden-2 {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} .ai-list-data, .ai-ip-data, .ai-fallback, .ai-list-block {visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 50%; height: 1px; z-index: -9999;} The future of engagement and hiring for top talent is through HR and recruiting teams own innovation, research and strategy. Gamification might just be the thing. Gamification should be combined with the big data and analytics to support your efforts in recruiting and hiring. Actually, its not a might, its a fact especially to avoid the hype cycle which can be avoided with having proper analysis of new trends and technologies emerging like gamification used in hiring. Im certainly a fan of making work fun. Who wouldnt be? Combine that with the ability to make better and more strategic business decisions that impact your employers most valuable work resource, it sounds like a win/win to me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Job interview question and answer Tell us about a goal that you have set yourself and worked towards, of which you feel truly proud or satisfied. What did you learn about yourself

Prospective employee meet-up question and answer Tell us about an objective that you have set yourself and progressed in the direction of, of which you feel genuinely pleased or fulfilled. What did you find out about yourself Prospective employee meeting Question And Answer: Tell Us About A Goal That You Have Set Yourself And Worked Towards, Of Which You Feel Truly Proud Or Satisfied. What Did You Learn About Yourself?Posted October 13, 2011, by Andrea Riddell This inquiry is probably going to come up in the event that you are applying for an alumni, entry level position or excursion program. Its best not to get captured out not ready for this inquiry, as it requires some reasoning and reflection. Right off the bat, pick an objective that you have accomplished or are moving in the direction of. Your objective could be from any aspect of your life, be it individual or business related, however attempt to pick one from the ongoing past. Having an objective that you have set and arrived at shows the questioner that you have assurance, drive and can complete what you set out to do. Tell the questioner how you have progressed in the direction of your objective, and what you did to guarantee you arrived at it. Keep this segment brief, as they are increasingly keen on discovering what you have gained from the procedure and how you will utilize this in your vocation. An extraordinary method of moving toward this piece of the inquiry is by perceiving the abilities and qualities that you attracted upon to arrive at your objective. There is a decent possibility that these characteristics will coordinate the qualities and characteristics that the organization is searching for. At long last, talk about what you have gained from this procedure and how you have applied these exercises throughout your life. This will show the questioner that you have reflected and drawn from your experience. For instance, you could state, This year, I set out to accomplish [X goal]. While I took a shot at it, I found that I expected to focus on my time the board abilities so as to complete inside as far as possible I had set. I likewise discovered that by recording and organizing each progression I expected to take , I had the option to more readily envision the excursion, which helped me deal with my time all the more viably. Thus, I had the option to finish my objective, while refining my time the executives aptitudes all the while. You additionally need to address how you will apply the exercises you have figured out how to the work you will do on the off chance that you are employed. Discussion about how accomplishing your objective has been an excursion of self-disclosure and made you increasingly mindful of your qualities and shortcomings, giving you a superior comprehension of how to move toward your work assignments. See our full rundown of inquiries questions and replies to help you in your next meeting! ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health and FitnessInterested in turning out to be a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheshow to find a new line of work in matured consideration with no experiencejava talk with questionshow to apply for matured consideration jobregistered nurture inquiries questions and answersbanking inquiries questions CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAndrea RiddellRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCAREER ADVICEEMPLOYER RESOURCESHow To Become A Better Manager: 10 Management Practices of Effective LeadersEffective administration is a workmanship â€" however fortunately, it is one that can be educated in the event that you follow some essential standards. Here's the manner by which to turn into a rousing head who realizes how to propel and get the best out of your team.Networking5 Rules For Good Networking EtiquetteAvoid organizing tactless act and figure out how to do your absolute best with t hese top tips for systems administration etiquette!AccountingBusinessCPA offers uni students a 'major break'Aspiring understudy business people are being offered an energizing chance to launch their professions with The CPA Big Break Project 2012.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Forget standing desks; will sit-stand desks save us

Disregard standing work areas; will sit-stand work areas spare us Disregard standing work areas; will sit-stand work areas spare us To begin with, they sought our seats. Science disclosed to us that sitting would execute us â€" one examination of 47 investigations found that drawn out sitting, similar to an individual, does in an office, expanding the danger of coronary illness and diabetes.Then came the coming of the standing work area, which everyone attempted to be more beneficial. Standing work areas attacked workplaces wherever until research found that they probably won't be so incredible either. One investigation indicated that they expanded back torment and eased back subjective capacity. Additionally standing throughout the day doesn't generally consume a larger number of calories than sitting, as it turns out.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders' magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!The thought behind the sit-stand work area is tied in with mitigating weakness: when sitting gets the opportunity to be excessively, have a go at standing. W hen standing begins to hurt your back, take a stab at sitting again.That's all fine in the event that it helps your a throbbing painfulness, however analysts from the University of Pittsburgh and Tufts dissected 53 investigations and distributed their own examination in Applied Ergonomics that tells us not to expect such a large number of medical advantages from this setup.To sit? To stand? Should you simply crouch day?The research inferred that the sit-stand work area offered just gentle advantages, similar to a reduction in circulatory strain and a lessening in lower back torment. They don't help with an absence of activity, however â€" all things considered, standing, such as sitting, is additionally an inactive assignment. They did, in any case, get individuals to stand more than they sat, and feel help from body pain.And no â€" sit-stand work areas are not a substitute for work out; no work areas are.Similar to sitting in one spot for expanded periods, stopping does little to b uild pulse or consume abundance calories, said study creator Nancy Baker, a partner teacher in the Tufts Department of Occupational Therapy, in a release. Is there a solid approach to work for at least eight hours every day? Perhaps, perhaps not. The discussion seethes on! Possibly a smidgen of progress is everything we can trust for.Though these are mellow advantages, certain populaces may profit significantly from even a little change in their wellbeing, said April Chambers of the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh.You may likewise appreciate… New neuroscience uncovers 4 customs that will satisfy you Outsiders know your social class in the initial seven words you state, study finds 10 exercises from Benjamin Franklin's day by day plan that will twofold your efficiency The most exceedingly terrible mix-ups you can make in a meeting, as indicated by 12 CEOs 10 propensities for intellectually resilient individuals

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Multi-tasking is Inefficient and Dangerous

Performing various tasks is Inefficient and Dangerous Increasingly more you find out about the examinations expressing that multitaskers are really inefficient. Yet, increasingly more occupation postings state must have the option to perform multiple tasks, should that perused, must be wasteful? There is likewise an ongoing report that expresses that messaging while at the same time driving is dangerousduh! This is performing various tasks at its finest. There is actually no chance to get for you to at the same time watch the street, make a message (requiring thought), and type it on an itty bitty console. Surely there isnt a simple answer for this difficulty when forced by others, in any case, when willful, we do be able to address and discover FOCUS. Center can be short, clusters of time, when you work only on one anticipate, thought, crusade, target. This forestalls the need to switch to and fro among various and every now and again random contemplations. In talking with one occupation searcher about her hunt exercises she had recognized 2 totally various ways, deals and direct service. As she met and attempted to fire up an immediate assistance business, neither got the complete consideration they should have been successful. She couldnt give the exercises the consideration they required and as an outcome, neither turned out the way she had trusted. Another model is a capable ladies who has built up a portfolio profession around her abilities as an essayist and a showcasing guru. She battles to give the different assignments the consideration she feels they deserve. Not just is this baffling for her (a woman with elevated expectations), it likewise hasnt permitted her to FOCUS on one with enough due industriousness to make it as monetarily effective as she might want. Once more, no simple answers. Life is an adjusting act. It is moving unbelievably fast. Finding a FOCUS and making it work is the test we are totally confronted with. Being everything to all individuals is like attempting to show a pig to sing.